Mama Bear
3 years ago I thought Essential Oils were just another fad. 

I laughed off those who encouraged me try them for various reasons. That was until I had my first child and the momma bear instincts led me to question every day products I was using on my precious baby.

Between colic, allergies, constipation, teething, ear aches, and the start of the terrible twos I was at my whits end! Nothing seemed to be helping and I wondered if the things I was using was actually making the issues worse.

Things changed when I let go of my pride and I decided to try a more natural route. By switching a few products and starting to see results I was led on a very awakening journey. I started researching ingredients in our common household products and over the counter meds and was MIND BLOWN. The things that are allowed to be added to these products make me both sad and angry. I knew I wanted better for not only my son but also me and my husband.

Over the next year I went through a “switch and ditch” process and my family now lives a clean, healthy lifestyle and have never been healthier.

My advice to everyone is to open up a little and explore the ingredient list on your everyday products. Think about your family and how you are the gate keeper to your home! It’s so empowering to say “Nope, no more!” and start living your best life!

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