Erica Ademski
Since I was a teenager I had awful cramps from my monthly cycle. I mean HORRIBLE!

I remember at least twice a month being in the nurse’s office at school laying down for an hour with a heating pad on my belly experiencing abdominal pain and feeling completely drained and unable to focus. It was so bad that my mother brought me to the doctor so I could get a prescription to get me through this time of the month that lasted 7 days.

When I was in college I was still going through this scenario. My gynecologist informed me that birth control could help with my menstrual cramps and regulate my period. I was so desperate I was willing to give it a try.

Within a few days into taking birth control pills I seriously thought I was going crazy. My emotions were everywhere. I was either crying, angry, or upset. The few moments of happiness I did experience were immediately replaced with tears. Anything and everything set me off. I was no longer myself and stopped taking the prescription. My sanity was more important.

Fast forward my world to my 30's. I was still experiencing this monthly agony but have accepted that this is my life. I found out that 75% of my uterus is covered in fibroids and had a myomectomy. This surgery did shorten my cycle down to a maximum of 4 or 5 days, the cramps subsided a little but still draining to my body.

By the time I was 35 my husband and I were blessed with identical twin girls (after 3 years of trying). I did have a c-section and, as you know, that is a 6 week recovery which none of us mamas really adhere to. We have babies to take care of!

After I was fully recovered and my cycle returned (many, many, many months later) it hit me like a brick wall. I was so used to not feeling the exhaustion of my period. It was like I was back in high school again. I went through this for 4 or 5 more years until one day a friend introduced me to a product . To be honest, I’d considered trying it before but I was skeptical. I’m not into fads.

I researched the company who made it and decided that I trusted the source so I tried it. Now my life is dramatically different. No longer am I spending hours a day laying around in pain and feeling completely drained.

Now I’m full of energy and ready to go! I want to help everyone I can to empower themselves with the knowledge and resources I’ve worked so hard to get myself.

Follow Erica on her website, she is a sunshine on a cloudy day that always full of energy. 
Let's be friends on Instagram


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