Make an impact in this world or make money, which one would you choose?

Make an impact in this world or make money, which one would you choose?

If you would have to choose between making an impact in this world or making money, which one would you choose?

We are designed, to grow and give and love. Our hearts long for human connection, understanding ear and feeling fulfilled.
What if we didn't have to choose?  
What if we can give, grow, love and make money at the same time?

Giving while making a living is a lifestyle choice.
I've heard Dean Graziosi say, "If you think money can't buy happiness, you haven't given enough away yet."
"If you don't give 10 cents out of the dollar, you won't give 100K out of a million."
When you give, you get more in return. Nothing can replace that wonderful feeling inside when you know that you have done good.

 Young Living has put me in the drivers seat to help others and pay my bills at the same time.

My goal in 2021 is to reach even more people and bring  health to even more homes. It goes way beyond the oils. It allows me to connect with those who are wanting more from life and I have an opportunity to influence them with positivity #WeAreFamily .

This year I want to double our Young Living team.
The more I make, the more I can giveaway.

I have broken down my year goals into the quarters and months.
✔️ This month, my goal was to host at least one class per week.
✔️ Create a training to show others how easy it is to share and earn.
✔️ Continue on with the book club, that is a huge eye opener how to live healthier and simpler.
Start a network marketing group to support small businesses (work in progress).

Wellness, Purpose, Abundance.

What is your 2021 goal?
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