Do you want to feel more like yourself and be the best version of you?
Are you a woman? Or do you know one?
Are you stressed? Tired?
Struggling to maintain a healthy weight, or experiencing hot or cold spells, occasional anxiousness, or fatigue.
Struggling with low libido?
All of these are signs of your endocrine system being out of balance.
Endocrine system is a collection of glands that produces hormones in our body.
Hormones regulate our:
- thyroid
- metabolism
- tissue function
- growth and repair
- libido
- reproduction
- sleep
- mood and emotions
- immune system
- mood ...just a few to mention.
Hormones tell our body what to do and when to do it, they transfer information from one cell to another.
Healthy endocrine system = happy hormones
Unhealthy endocrine system = causes imbalanced hormones
As women, we often associate hormones with certain stages in our lives, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. The truth is that our hormones influence the health of our bodies, minds, & emotions every single day regardless of what “stage” we are in.
Your body is constantly working on the difficult task of keeping your system in balance. Stress, poor diet and food choices, inadequate sleep, synthetic hormones, genetic factors, and less active lifestyles can all throw hormones out of whack and create health problems.
We all strive to feel rested, have moisturized skin, and maintain a healthy weight, hair, and bowel functions. There are many reasons that your health may fall below the wellness line. Take action now to support your body systems so you can continue to live your best and healthiest life.
Learn more here!
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