Does creating personal brand on social media attracts more customers to your business?
Is it true that creating personal brand on social media attracts more customers to your business? I'll argue that it is not true.

Here is why:
Social media engagements and more followers feeds our ego.
But most of the time it does not translate into a customer. Most of us interact with wrong people because it feels good when someone comments on your post or video.

Being busy does not equal results. Social media becomes THE job, instead of a tool for growth. You need to learn how to give your time to the right people. 

I do know few people who actually get results from social media, they are unicorns :) . They are getting results but they are constantly ON. There is no time freedom.
You must find a balance at work, if you truly want to have time and financial freedom. Then you can say that you are working smarter, not harder!

What would happen to your business if social media disappeared?

Let's be friends on Instagram


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