The action Bible

The action Bible
Per my friend's recommendation, I have bought a Bible for kids that's written in a comic book format.
I don't know what the norm is for kids at this age, maybe they read regular Bible. I am a new believer, and this is our norm 🙏. 
I have to say that he doesn't want to put it down. He starts reading on his own and then talks to me about it. We are learning together. 
It's called "The action Bible". I'll get on my stories later on and will flip through it to show you how it looks.

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It's time to travel light.

It's time to travel light.
Many decisions are made out of fear and judgement, guilt or manipulation. We want to stay in our comfort zone and don't ruffle any feathers, even if that means that we are unhappy.

Within the last month I have taken a walk down the memory lane and I have realized that I have always followed my gut. My faith showed me the way. There was no place for doubt.

💫 I came to USA 20 years ago, didn't speak English and got married to a complete stranger. People said that I was using Robert to get a green card. So I came up with a comeback, I started telling a story (with a straight face) that Bob ordered me from the Russian 👰‍♀ magazine and I was on sale that month 🤣😂🤣. Imagine Bob's surprise when I learned English language and he realized how fiery and unapologetically fearless my mouth is 🔥🔥🔥.

💫My family and friends thought that I have married an old fart for millions of dollars 😂. I'm still waiting for all those 100 mil mansions to show up on my real estate portfolio.

💫Last month, both of us made a decision to change jobs. I have left YL and I'm very excited for future plans. Some are set in stone, others are being explored as future opportunities 🙌 .

💫When making big life decisions, they need to make sense to me, not the world. Just like our marriage.

💫I listen to my gut. If it says that something is off, it's probably true. It's a sign for me to get out of my comfort zone. So off I go....into the new adventure.

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BYE BYE wrinkles and saggy skin.

BYE BYE wrinkles and saggy skin.
Just two girls.
Hanging in the bathroom.
Having a spa day.
Listening to music.
Giggling about every little thing.

I'll treasure these memories forever 💖. I keep calling her my baby girl, even if she is already taller than me. 
As she gets older, so do I...and that comes with wrinkles in lots of different areas :) . As much as I don't want to let them bug me, I do start seeing my skin changing. I have found some really amazing products that brought the tightness to my skin, and I see that wrinkles are not as deep anymore. I can't wait to share it with you. Message me and ask if they offer a discount at the moment. 

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Why we don't trust ourselves.

Why we don't trust ourselves.
Many of us do not start or finish projects, because we don't believe that we'll see it through. We don't trust ourselves.

Does this sound familiar:

💫We decide to do something.
💫We set goals and start working on it.
💫We are 1/3 way into it and realize that we are not having results that we wanted.
💫We stop.
💫Then we feel bad about ourselves, because once again you let yourself down.

Because of this stop-and-go cycle we don't see results. We feel like failures. We stop trusting our abilities 😢.

It's hard to get out of this loop, but definitely possible ❤.
Honor your commitment to yourself.
That's called person integrity, staying true to your word.
Keeping promises that you made to yourself.

Are you ready to hold yourself to the same standard as others?

I train my team to create self-accountability and help them grow. If you curious what I do or want more info, check my IG highlights, I am very active in my stories.
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What to do with cold coffee :)

What to do with cold coffee :)
My coffee constantly gets cold, because I forget about it or lose it somewhere in the house. Anyone else?
I needed to become smarter with my drinks, sooooo....once it gets cold, I add 1 tsp of the best tasting turmeric in the world and use frothier to give it a great froth. Add few ice cubes and BAM, I have a delicious, iced coffee.

Seriously in love with this drink. I am all about easy and quick. Click here to see how it looks.

WHY turmeric? Read this, you'll never go a day without it!
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